Who We Are

Phoenix Forensic Consultants, LLC provides professional, clear, unbiased, and scientifically valid forensic consultation to the legal system.

It is the mission of Phoenix Forensic Consultants to provide professional, clear, unbiased and scientifically valid forensic consultation to all members of the legal community, whether criminal or civil, prosecution or defense. We will seek, find, and provide answers to our client’s distinctive needs through open communications, strong commitment, and responsive service.

Since our founding in 2008, we have built a reputation of providing quality forensic analysis to prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, civil litigators, private security agencies, and many individuals.

As practicing forensic scientists, our consultants have over 37 years of experience in providing expert interpretation of forensic procedures, crime scene practices, evidence handling, and analysis. We provide our clients with reliable solutions and understandable expert testimony to their most complex forensic challenges. Other services include training to law enforcement agencies, and expert witness testimony throughout the world.

We know the true possibilities of forensic analytical techniques and the truth behind the common misconceptions. We’ll provide focused, unbiased information to help answer all your questions about forensic evidence.